Did you know that bad breath is an oral health condition that results in foul odors emanating from your mouth? This process is known as halitosis, and can frequently occur and linger long after treating it, often due to potential underlying problems and conditions.
If you do suffer from bad breath, it is important to use mouthwash or similar cleaning tool to determine if it is simply caused by plaque buildup or something more. Furthermore, simple foods you eat such as garlic and onions, as well as drinks such as coffee, can also contribute to bad breath. However, not all bad breath symptoms are easily treated.
Bad breath could be the cause of underlying conditions such as poor oral hygiene that has led to gum disease. In addition, bad breath can also be caused by underlying conditions deeper within your body including issues with your liver, kidney, or respiratory tract. If simple treatments such as mouthwash cannot fully eliminate bad breath, come visit your dentist to determine what is causing it.
Are you ready to upgrade and enhance your smile with effective oral health care treatments? Foreversmile Dentistry remains committed to your oral health, and you are welcome to schedule an appointment with us by calling 305-274-0425. Dr. Marilyn Amaral and our team look forward to having you visit our dentist office in Miami, Florida.